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Master classes for schoolchildren

We present to your attention the possibility of holding children's master classes in the Vitrasole Glass and Ceramics Studio "Getting to know fusing".


Working with glass in the technique of fusing (sintering glass) is a developing form of creativity for children. This kind of art, as our practice shows, is pleasant to all children. They are waiting impatiently for both the occupation and what they will get out of the oven after sintering the product. What gives children work with glass?

- Pleasure, interest in creativity - both children and adults - like to choose an idea and create a product, because any object, be it a pendant, a plate, a picture, a candlestick can be done in completely different ways, in its own unique way. Glass of different colors, bright, saturated shades, transparent and matte. Sam choice of the plot of the product and flowers is very interesting, it is a kind of art therapy, which reveals the spiritual and creative qualities of the child, the mood rises.

- Artistic and aesthetic development - in the process of preparing the product, the child chooses a picture that he will make from glass, learns to select the color range in which it will be performed. Then you need to draw a sketch of the work, the elements of which will be cut out of paper to transfer the pattern to the glass.

- Development of fine motor skills and accuracy - the child learns to cut glass, spread out a pattern (small children can use polished pieces with sharp edges to avoid cuts). Most children after 10 years can cut glass themselves, observing simple caution.

- Emotional development and self-expression - in the classroom, when preparing and discussing ready-made works, the opportunities for the child to express his emotions, his inner world, are expanding. The life of the child becomes more emotionally saturated.

- Concentration skills - the process of fusing consists of several stages, therefore the ability to concentrate on one goal and improve the business to perfection is improved.

- The child produces a finished item that can decorate the interior, serve as a gift, be a useful object in the kitchen. Due to this, he feels himself a creator and feels confident, satisfied with the result of his work, which can serve him and others.

Classes can be both group and individual. Classes in the group of 7 to 20 people. The time of the master class is 1-2 hours. The price is negotiable (depending on the chosen sketch and the number of pre-cooked items).

The Vitrasole glass and ceramics studio is located at: Ekaterinburg, Gagarin St. 30. (The closest stops of the "Gagarin" transport (crossroads of Gagarin-Malyshev)), 04, 15, 18, 25, 61, 067, 070, 077 , Trolls 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, tram 8, 13, 15, 23, 32, Uralobuv Authors 034, 054, 056, 60).

We hope for cooperation! We will be glad to answer your questions by phones: 8 (965) 5112955 Tatiana, or by mail to

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